Tkinter Download For Windows

Tkinter install for windows

With Visual TK, you can design Tkinter Form(Window) by dragging and dropping Widgets Button, Lables, CheckBox, RadioBox, Entry, ListBox, Message, Container and Frame. On Windows, the easiest way to get Tcl/Tk onto your machine is to install the 'ActiveTcl' distribution from ActiveState, which includes Tcl, Tk, plus a number of other extension libraries. In your web browser, go to, and follow along the links to download the Community Edition of ActiveTcl for Windows.

Binary Releases

For other ways to obtain Tcl/Tk (such as binary distributions), see themain Tcl/Tk page.

Source Releases

Each of these files is explained in more detail below.
Tcl SourcesTk Sources
tcl8.4.20-src.tar.gzGzip formattk8.4.20-src.tar.gzGzip format
tcl8420-src.zipZip formattk8420-src.zipZip format

Other versions of the source distributions are available atSourceForge.

The source releases include make files for Windows, Unix and Xcode projectfiles for Mac OS X.

Once you've retrieved the sources, click below for instructions onhow to configure, compile, and install Tcl/Tk.

Unix (including Mac OS X)

You'll want both Tcl and Tk sources; choose theand gzipped tar format. The files listed under the Windows sourcescontain the same information but are in ZIP format.

Gzip'ed Tar Files

Extract gzip'ed archives with this UNIX command line:


Tkinter Download For Windows

If you have downloaded the Unix version of these files, there isno need to also download these versions since these files areidentical but in ZIP format instead of compressed tar.

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Introduction: Installing TCL/TK for Windows


Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a dynamic programming/scripting language based on concepts of Lisp, C, and Unix shells. It can be used interactively, or by running scripts (programs) which can use a package system for structuring, hence allowing to do much with little code. Tcl is available for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, as well as other platforms, as open-source software under BSD-like license, or as pre-built binaries. ~WikiBooks

First off i would like to say im still fairly new to programming in tcl/tk but this intructable will cover how to download and install Active Tcl on Windows. Also a thank you to larry03052 for introducing me to tcl/tk.

Step 1: The Website

Python Tkinter Download For Windows 10 Free

You will need to head over to ActiveState's website here:

Step 2: Downloading Active Tcl

Click on the 'Download Now' button then download either the x86 or x64 version of Tcl (Whichever works best for you). Your download should start automatically, if not then just start the download manually.

Step 3: Installing Tcl


Okay so now we will actually be installing Active Tcl

* First find where you downloaded the ActiveTcl installer and open it up

* Read (if you want) and then click next and accept the License Agreement

* Now choose where you want to install everything

Tkinter Download Windows 7 32 Bit

* Last but not least, click next to begin installing


Annnnnddddd BOOOOOOOM you have successfully installed Tcl and can now start programming.

Thanks to everyone who checks out my Instructables and if you haven't already then please Favorite and Follow if you feel like it c;

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